
Showing posts from September, 2008

tagged by dora ^_^

here dora! puas ati x??hehehe " What does your name say about you?" [ and do tag people after you are done! ] A : You like to drink. B : You like people. C : You are really silly. D : You like to eat. E : You like to play with cat. F : You are dead sexy. G : You never let people tell you what to do. H : You have a very good personality and good looks. I : Easy to be with. J : People Adore you. K : You're wild and crazy. L : Everyone loves you. M : Best kisser ever. N : Best bf/gf anyone could ask for. O : Easy to fall in love with. P : You are popular with all types of people. Q : You are a hypocrite. R : You're loyal to those you love. S : Fuckin crazy. T : Awesome kisser. U : You really like to chill. V : Awesome in bed W : You are very broad minded. X : You love sports. Y : Best bf/gf anyone could ask for. Z : Always ready. it's likely to be NOR LIYANA N : Best bf/gf anyone could ask for. O : Easy to fall in love with. R : You're loyal to those you love. L ...

di tagged???

[ko la org 1st tagged aku hOp!!...haha.. n still wondering mende la tagged ne sbnye...hakss~] ***** State 15 weird things/ habits/ little known facts about yourself. The 10 people I tag are to then to follow my footsteps and write their own 15 weird things/habits and little known facts. ***** wah 10 people more??? i've no idea lah...huhu~ can it be no tagging others then?(boleyh saja la...hakss!!) 1. erm..i am lazy!! yeah...seriosly lazy 2. olso very2 sensitive~wewewewe...xcaye tny sape2 yg tauu...hek3 3. i got rily short term memory!! skejap je suda lupe taw... n i always forgot where the class! haha...(mane x nye..asyik tukar2 je klas tu) 4. lagi..i always wanted 'not to study' | haha..boley x setahun xyah blaja?do sumthng else| 5. love all colours that cn be considered beautiful..(esp kuning! yeah hidup helang!! hak3).. 6. suke tgk cte korea|yg hero hensem2 tu...| ^_^ 7. skang ne tgh bwat mende ne smbil chat ym(weird kan2???ahahahaha) 8. sgt2 slalu kekeringan idea!! rit...