hepy besday naufal nafis!

nie la kanak2 yg hepi sgt potong kek..tp gaya dah mcm nyanyi lagu negaraku je..haha
and notice that iqbal tu baru bangun tido..smpai2 tros amek gmba..cute sungguh la~
tp sori la kaknana x bawak hadiah pon..well nilai nie ape lah ade sgt..

yg ini kek yg cun tp coklat dy too much, so less tastier then the other one, lg sedap yg kek bulat tu. kek nie hampir2 ditepuk2 oleh nazhan, kalo x sure dah x cun mcm nie..haha.

and this one is the must-seen-action-ever! hehe.. aja poing maut sungguh.tau la nti nak pg france, jd model kt sane... ^_^
kakyus tu mmg nampak suap aja x ikhlas~

baby paling comel..jeng3...ibrahim!
u cant afford that he's always smile..so cute of him..it was very easy to make him laugh..senangnye hati dpt anak macm ne kan2 =)

dan ini kek comel. kek maklang nie mase org rmai xlaku..lastly i dpt bawak balek 2..hehe.. rase nak makan pon sayang cos its very cute.

-my way to rawang was realy long..but rawang to nilai was extremely longer! haih, bayangkan, i got the train from rawang at 8.45pm and stepped inti at 11.45..rase nak guling2 je dlm ktm tu..
tp ok lah duduk je, xde transit2.
dan sronok btol dpt jumpe kanak2 tu sume..rindu gile nak kiss2 depe! great time though.
kirenye worth it jugk la jalan jaoh2, dpt jumpe semua..
dan yg sronok nextweek jumpe lagi kat kampung~
so hepi to get home this friday!


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