
Showing posts from May, 2010

Qunut Nazilah. Moga Allah permudah segalanya...

“ اللهم أَعِزَّ الإسلامَ و المسلمين , اللهم أَذِلََّ الشِركَ و المُشرِكِين , أللهم انْصُرْ اخوانَنَا المسلمين و المجاهدين و المُسْتَضْعَفِين , فى فلسطين و فى لُبْنَان و فى العراق وفى كل مكان و فى كل زمان. ” Ya Allah! Muliakan Islam dan orang islam. Ya Allah! Hinakan Syirik dan musyrikin. Ya Allah! Tolonglah saudara-saudara kami yang muslim dan mujahidin dan golongan-golongan lemah, di Palestine, di Lubnan, di Iraq dan di semua tempat dan di semua masa. “ اللهم دَمِّرْ أعْدَائَك أعداءَ الدِّين , اللهم أهْلِكِ الكَفَرَةَ و الشِرْكَ و المُنَافقين , اللهم اِنَّنا نَجْعَلُ فى نُحُورِ أعداءِنَا و نَعُوذُ بِك مِن شُرُورِهِم, اللهم بَدِّدْ شَمْلَهُم و فَرِّقْ جَمْعَهم و شَتِّتْ كَلِمَتَهم و زَلْزِلْ أَقْدَامَهم و سَلِّطْ عليهم كَلْبًا مِن كِلَابِك ” Ya Allah! Binasakan musuh kamu, Musuh agama (Islam). Ya Allah! Hancurkan kekufuran, Syirik dan Munafiq, Ya Allah! Sesungguhnya kami jadikan pada leher-leher musuh kami (kami serah kepada Mu) dan kami berlindung dengan-Mu dari kejahatan-kejahatan me...

"When I need inspiration, I look at the back of the Adelaide Metro ticket"

Actually I didn't do. Simply because I never realised the awful thing before. Eventhough it's already been 3 months for me of having those tickets every single day without fail, I just knew it when I saw the group on facebook. The tickets really do give inspiration to the holder! I should be more aware of things after this. Like the old days, my father used to teach me to alert on every particular things around me so that I will not lost. But I guess it's not my expertise. Oh and yes, I suppose this is the first post that I mentioned the word Adelaide in it. Perhaps life been very busy since I get here on the first month, so I forgot to tell the world that I'm already here. Last week Fath has asked me to write about my kind-of-new-interesting life since she's deleted her fb account. But literally I have no idea on what should I write. Just to say, my life has change a little bit. My level of dependency is dropping. My thinking is finding its way to out of ...

My facts #2 (cont.)

' Respect each others ' Dengan kata yang mudah, hormati orang lain. Atau maksud yang lebih mendalam, hormati prinsip hidup orang lain. Each di situ membawa maksud saling . Komunikasi dua hala. Bukan saya saja yang patut hormat akan awak, awak juga patut tahu tanggungjawab awak. Mungkin saya ego, tapi mungkin awak tak nampak. Mungkin juga saya tak mahu awak nampak.

back on 1990's

To be exact, it was 1997 when I first stepped my feet at school. Perasaan yang x tergambar saat itu. (sebab xingat pon perasaan tu kan). But I just realised something. Something that I never knew before. You might thing that I dont deserve to be so-called the ex-students of the school, but that's the fact. I was just a kid at that time. I dont really bother what my school's name was. I thought there were two different things. Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Jalan Gurney 1 and Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Jalan Gurney 2. Logik la sebab sekolah tu dulu ada dua sesi, pagi dan petang. And tonight, after almost 12 years I left the school, I just knew that it's actually Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Jalan Gurney 2, Jalan Gurney 1, 54000 Kuala Lumpur. Jalan Gurney 1 is the main road name? Huh? Oh I am so not smart. How come sekrang baru nak realised? Haa malu je. Tapi yang penting I really really miss those times. There are moments that I can still recall like tampal gigi, cucuk masa darjah 1...