"When I need inspiration, I look at the back of the Adelaide Metro ticket"

Actually I didn't do. Simply because I never realised the awful thing before. Eventhough it's already been 3 months for me of having those tickets every single day without fail, I just knew it when I saw the group on facebook. The tickets really do give inspiration to the holder!
I should be more aware of things after this. Like the old days, my father used to teach me to alert on every particular things around me so that I will not lost. But I guess it's not my expertise.

Oh and yes, I suppose this is the first post that I mentioned the word Adelaide in it. Perhaps life been very busy since I get here on the first month, so I forgot to tell the world that I'm already here. Last week Fath has asked me to write about my kind-of-new-interesting life since she's deleted her fb account. But literally I have no idea on what should I write.

Just to say, my life has change a little bit. My level of dependency is dropping. My thinking is finding its way to out of the box. My main ride has changed to bus and how I love to see different people in the bus. My eyes can't stop staring at classmates in lecture. I now see that truly, Islam is beautiful. I now learn to perform solat on the grass or in the parents room at the mall or even in the fitting room. Plus you couldn't stand the feel of taking wuduk every morning with the temperature being 7 °C.

Well, there's much more that I can describe but I dont want. Otherwise, I will be like listing my daily activities in here. Enough of this. I'm now going to have my beauty sleep so that I can wake up early to cook breakfast for my lovely housemates tomorrow morning. Then we have the Seminar Wanita to attend, and hoping to be the 20 early birds to get the surprise presents! We'll see if we can make it tomorrow then. I leave it here with some pictures that I believed worth thousands words.


.::annemishi::. said…
eh, ang p eh yg 'because im worth it' tuh? best tak? best tak?


p/s : try baca tulisan kat packaging beverages punya. mother ke, juice ke, milk ke.. kelakar aar diorg nih. tuh pon best gak.
best lah. byk info pasal health n things la. time tu gak jumpe doktor2 melayu yg ade klinik kt sini. senang nti kalau pape.

haha mmg lawak diorang nih.
asyraf hanafi said…
liyana da buuulllaaa*

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