1) Copy the award above and paste it on your blog

2) Name 5 interesting facts about the presenter of this award

  1. sangat 'garang' to say? haha tp xlangsong =p
  2. she's currently a medic student in egypt
  3. she gave me this bottle full of 'motivations' last bday (which still lot more to read. penah bace sekali dua je kot dlu.haha)
  4. she keeps lots of my secrets and still byk lg nak cerita~
  5. edora yaacob is super duper gedik but my bff *_^
3)Every blogger has to name 10 facts/hobbies about themselves.
  • i should say study. at least it's a must-do-hobby
  • goin ups and downs the stairs - which i do every single day without fail =)
  • shopping. kot. apply only kalau ade duit je la kan
  • jalan2. holiday
  • i love my family
  • am actually missing those past times tp bersyukur sbb today is not that bad. gembira juga =P
  • skarang sangat byk kerja dan assingments dan kuiz dan test dan final walau baru start sem yg singkat ini
  • rindu kakyus dan aja jugak. saya datang rumah weekend ni boleh? hee...
  • love taiping - for many reasons
  • sayang nilai juga? haha
4)You have to choose 10 award recipients and give a small description about them.

- kembar timah? haha. she's a very 'aggressive' girl. kind-hearted (sbb slalu tumpangkan kereta =P tq eh pipah)

-mazni is izzah's rumate. talking about her i remember bout eumora.heee

Fatimah Az-Zahra
-(looks like too many things can be written here!) tp one timah: _ p _ s

-izzah is mazni's rumate. izzah si nyamuk yg suka gaduh dgn ifa si kuda belang. saya pon xtahu kenapa, mungkin mmg kejadian alam *_* - kalau ko dah di tag mcm ni dlu dr pear or sue ray abaikan je la ini

-ihsan nasir. keep up ur good work for the sake of our batch! (walaupun aku xdpt dtg reunion. sori sangat)

Farah Amalina
-cik farah sayang! simpati atas kehilangan purse cik. and a big hug 4 u sebab pinjamkan the whole remaining series to me. tq tq tq

-husna dan m.nasir. walau kecil husna hyper. cuma xboleh lompat je kan husna =p

Latifah Ahmad
-tipah xcomel. nana masih blom cari apekah dietetic itu.

Lyana Hamka
-my long 'lost' bestfren ini. weh cik, bday aku pon ko lupe eh. sampai nye hati..

-mcm xknal sgt. tp mcm dah xde org laen utk di tag. jika rajen buat la.
tp lagu2 di blog kau sedap! ak sgt suka st12- rasa yg ttggl even xknal pon band mane tu~


aku dah agak dah ko tak baca nye semua tu.
aku pun tak sempat nak baca semua.

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